Degree Basics


Degree in Social Education

Academic year


ECTS credits


ECTS credit price


Faculty or School

Faculty of Educatio, Psychology and Social Work

Starting year


Course load


Learning model


Language of instruction

Catalan (75%), Spanish (20%) and English (5%)

Available places



Mari Paz López Teulón

The degree in figures
The degree in figures
The degree in figures
Acknowledgements, suggestions and complaints
Acknowledgements, suggestions and complaints
Acknowledgements, suggestions and complaints
Simultaneity of studies
Simultaneity of studies
Simultaneity of studies
UdL Accompaniment - Nestor Program
UdL Accompaniment - Nestor Program
UdL Accompaniment - Nestor Program
Ethical code Social Education
Ethical code Social Education
Ethical code Social Education
Internal Guarantee System of Quality
Internal Guarantee System of Quality
Internal Guarantee System of Quality
Learning resources
Learning resources
Learning resources

Presentation of the Degree

The social educator is defined as an agent of social change who coordinates social groups through educational strategies that help citizens to understand and participate in their social, political, economic and cultural surroundings, and to fully integrate in society.
Social educators work in highly diverse contexts in an endeavour to respond to the need of all collectives of the population to gain access to culture, welfare and participation in society. Their job has two very marked aspects: that of training and welfare, and that of caring for people.
Social educators are responsible for those fields in education that do not have specific regulations, in which they undertake educational intervention actions with marginalised people, people who have social problems or difficulties in adapting to their surroundings.

Career opportunities

The social educator can work as a professional in different areas of socio-educational action, which can be organized according to different parameters. If we do it from the institutions / organizations that make up their figure in the multiprofessional teams, we can differentiate four areas:

  • Social services (primary care, childhood, adolescence and family at social risk, adoption and foster care, people with disabilities, the elderly, drug addiction, mental health, gender violence ...).
  • Justice: measures in an open environment, juvenile justice centers, open prison services, prisons, etc.
  • Sociocultural animation and education for free time (youth, culture and leisure areas of different administrations, free time services and programs, toy libraries, leisure entities, community development programs and services and promotion of citizen participation, services aimed at the sociocultural promotion ...).
  • Permanent education (transition programs in active life, vocational training centers, services and programs for the orientation, reception and training of immigrants, etc.)